Anna Broseghini, Miina Lõoke, Cécile Guérineau, Lieta Marinelli, Paolo Mongillo (2024) Applied Animal Behaviour Science
Anna Broseghini

After attending the Bachelor degree in Padova, I completed the Master in Psychology-Neuroscience at the University of Trento. During my studies I have always focused on animal psychology and ethology, doing both research internships at the laboratories of animal psychology and cognition, and studying endangered species in the field. In particular, the research in the laboratory has focused on the cognitive abilities of chicks, while the field experience has seen me involved in the study of the behavior of the lemur Varecia Variegata in the rain forests of Madagascar.
In the past years my interest has focused more on dogs’ behavior and dogs’ education, which is why I graduated from the CSC master’s program for dog educators. Now I’m a PhD student in Veterinary Sciences at the University of Padova.
Where can you find me
phone: +39 331 260 2013 (this is the DogUP Lab number)
in the Lab: in Agripolis campus, Viale dell’Universita’, 16 – 35020 Legnaro (PD), Italy
My publications
Determining Hearing Thresholds in Dogs Using the Staircase Method
Cécile Guérineau, Anna Broseghini, Miina Lõoke, Giulio Dehesh, Paolo Mongillo, Lieta Marinelli (2024) Veterinary Sciences
Visual continuum in non-human animals: serial dependence revealed in dogs
Miina Lõoke, Cécile Guérineau, Anna Broseghini, Paolo Mongillo, Lieta Marinelli (2024) Proceedings of the Royal Society B
Pictorial depth cues elicit the perception of tridimensionality in dogs
Anna Broseghini, Markus Stasek, Miina Lõoke, Cécile Guérineau, Lieta Marinelli, Paolo Mongillo (2024) Animal Cognition
Canine Behavioral Assessment and Research Questionnaire (C-BARQ): Validation of the Italian Translation
Anna Broseghini, Cécile Guérineau, Miina Lõoke, Chiara Mariti, James Serpell, Lieta Marinelli, Paolo Mongillo (2023) Animals
Meowing dogs: can dogs recognize cats in a cross-modal violation of expectancy task (Canis familiaris)?
Miina Lõoke, Cécile Guérineau, Anna Broseghini, Lieta Marinelli, Paolo Mongillo (2023) Animal Cognition
Sound Localization Ability in Dogs
Cécile Guérineau, Miina Lõoke, Anna Broseghini, Giulio Dehesh, Paolo Mongillo, Lieta Marinelli (2022) Veterinary Sciences