Alessandra Alterisio, Anna Scandurra, Carla Eatherington, Lieta Marinelli Biagio D’Aniello, Paolo Mongillo, (2019) Applied Animals Behaviour Science, 218:104824
Anna Scandurra
Post-doc research fellow
I graduated in Biology with honours at the University of Naples “Federico II”. For my master’s thesis, I have been studying the attachment relationship between water rescue dogs and their handlers. I have also studied the strategies for problem solving in guide dogs for the blinds and in water rescue dogs, with a specific interest in the evolution of dogs’ ability to communicate with humans. After completing my masters diploma, I completed a PhD in “Environment and natural resources”, in which I have been working on the use of bioindicators for environmental analysis. At the same time I kept working with canine behaviour at the Laboratory of Canine Ethology of the University of Naples. My main research activity at the DogP lab focuses on visual and spatial cognition in dogs, with a specific interest in sex-based differences.
Where can you find me
phone: 049 790284
in the Lab: in Piazza del Donatore di Sangue 4, Legnaro (PD), Italy
My publications
Development of a Spatial Discount Task to Measure Impulsive Choices in Dogs
Paolo Mongillo, Anna Scandurra, Carla Eatherington, Biagio D’Aniello, Lieta Marinelli (2019) Animals, 9:469
The effect of age, sex and gonadectomy on dogs’ use of spatial navigation strategies
Anna Scandurra, Lieta Marinelli, Miina Looke, Biagio D’Aniello, Paolo Mongillo (2018) Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 205:89-97
Recognition of human faces by dogs (Canis familiaris) requires visibility of head contour
Mongillo P, Scandurra A, Kramer R, Marinelli L (2017) Animal Cognition, 5:881–890
Effect of sex and gonadectomy on dogs’ spatial performance
Mongillo P, Scandurra A, D’Aniello B, Marinelli L (2017) Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 191:84–89
Behavioural effects of training on water rescue dogs in the Strange Situation Test
Scandurra, A, Alterisio, A, D’Aniello, B (2016) Applied Animal Behaviour Science, in press
Conspecific observational learning by adult dogs in a training context
Scandurra, A, Mongillo, P, Marinelli, L, Aria, M, D’Aniello, B (2016) Applied animal behaviour science, 174, 116–120
Ontogenetic effects on gazing behaviour: a case study of kennel dogs (Labrador Retrievers) in the impossible task paradigm
D’Aniello B & Scandurra A (2016) Animal cognition, in press