Miina Lõke


I gained my bachelor’s degree in Tarty University in ecology and biodiversity conservation. Following it, I continued in the same university for a master’s degree in biology, more specifically zoology. For the thesis I carried out a pilot study about semi-wild horses’ behavior in the south-west of Estonia. I continued my studies in the University of Padova, in the laboratory of Applied Ethology. My doctoral project focused in dogs’ visual perception, particularly on dogs’ susceptibility to optical illusions. Currently I am holding a post-doctoral position, with the project concentrating on animals’ auditory perception. 

You can find me:

by email: miina.looke@studenti.unipd.it

through phone: 049 790284 (this is the DogUP Lab number)

in the Lab: in Piazza del Donatore di Sangue 4, Legnaro (PD) Italy